💰 Discover the blueprint to Financial Independence – My Rich Future Financial Planning & Budgeting Toolkit will help you explore the power of financial planning and budgeting and develop healthy money habits.
✅ Plan ahead and stay on track with your budget
✅ Track Income, Expenses & Savings (monthly & annual overview)
✅ Keep track with your Bills & Subscriptions
✅ Monitor your Savings Goals progress & Debt Repayment progress
✅ Assess your Net Worth
✅ Monitor your Investment Performance & rebalance your Investment Portfolio.
➡️ How My Rich Future Financial Planning & Budgeting Toolkit can steer your path towards financial independence?
💡 Plan & Track your Finances systematically with 20+ formulated worksheets (with guided instructions & customizable inputs)
💡 Keeps you accountable & gain clarity on your spending & saving habits (monthly & annual) – monthly tracking worksheets, monthly dashboard overview, annual dashboard overview.
💡 Visual charts to help you analyse your finances in an informative manner
💡 Helps you to eliminate debt, save money for near-term goals, and invest for long-term goals.
💡 Helps you to track investment performance and rebalance your portfolio
💡 Helps you to be disciplined in developing healthy money habits that can help you turn financial freedom into reality.
💡 No need to pay a recurring monthly fee for a financial planning app.
➡️ Money management tools:
A) Budgeting & Financial Planning:
✅ Bank Account Tracker – track your Deposit/Inflows and Withdrawals/Outflows for each bank account (worksheet)
✅ Debt Tracker – track your outstanding debt balance and your repayments for each debt category (worksheet)
✅ Debt: Credit Card Repayment Calculator – calculate your credit card repayment details in advance to help you decide how much to pay off and manage your interest payments (worksheet)
✅ Debt: Home Loan & Home Equity Calculator – calculate your Home Loan Mortgage Payments, track your outstanding monthly payments, and calculate your Home Equity (worksheet)
✅ Bills/Subscription Payment Tracker – track the schedule of your upcoming bills and recurring subscriptions, check off once repayments are completed (worksheet)
✅ Savings Tracker – track your Savings progress with each contribution for your short-term and long-term financial goals (worksheet)
✅ Monthly Budget Planner & Tracker (12 individual tabs from Jan to Dec) – track your Monthly Income, Monthly Expenses, Monthly Savings & Investments. Compare Budgeted vs Actual amounts across each expense category to evaluate your monthly financial habits.
✅ Annual Finances Breakdown – track and analyze your Annual Finances, evaluate your annual financial habits and assess your annual financial progress (worksheet)
✅ Net Worth Analysis – understand and track your Net Worth which reflects your actual wealth by tracking your Total Assets and Total Liabilities (worksheet)
B) Investment Tracking –
✅ Investment Portfolio Management (with asset rebalancing calculator) – Tells you how to reach a target value or percent allocation for each asset category
✅ Equities Tracker – Track the performance of your stock investments (buy quantity, buy price, sell price, capital gains, dividends)
➡️ This is right for you if….
✅ You want to achieve financial & time freedom one day
✅ You want to escape the 9 to 6 before your peers
✅ You feel anxious about dealing with your finances and want to improve
✅ You want to take control of your own financial situation, both present and future
✅ You want to learn more about personal finance and asset allocation
✅ You want to develop healthy money habits and be financially accountable
✅ You want to have an automated planning and tracking system to manage your finances, even if you do not understand mathematical formulas
✅ You identify with any/all of the above but not sure where to start
➡️ How do I use this?
This is a digital template that can be accessed via Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets users (on both Windows/Mac).
In the toolkit, there are written instructions that give you clear guidance on how to use each worksheet, and why each worksheet is important.
Video tutorials are also provided to guide you on using the worksheets, with explanation of personal finance concepts outlined in an ebook.
🌟 At The Financial Fuse, we are committed to helping you improve and your finances, whether it comes to making decisions in budgeting and financial planning, investing or trading.
Please feel free to message us at any time with questions or concerns.
a) Email: [email protected]; or
b) Send a DM on IG: https://www.instagram.com/jessicasin_finance
👉 Notes:
Upon purchase, you will receive an instant link to gain access to the Google Drive folder, which you can download the file(s) within for your own use.
✅ Download once = Lifetime access!
✅ All updates to the product will be free to existing customers (if any upgraded versions are introduced in the future).
As this is a digital product, no refunds or cancellations are allowed after purchase.